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Devoted to Rest®
Devoted to Rest® is a rest based mastermind for Black, Indigenous, Women of Color who are Visionary Leaders.
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Wild Heart
Reclaiming the vast landscape of everyday life as sacred and expanding capacity to be transformed by the inevitable loss and longing life brings.
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What is somatic therapy? - Harvard Health
Trauma can register within our bodies on a cellular level. What that means — and how best to heal from serious traumas — is the focus of somatic therapy, a newer form of mental health.
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What Is Sound Healing | Sound Healing Academy
Sound Healing is a powerful therapy that combines different healing sounds, music, and special sound instruments to improve our multidimensional well-being.
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Meditation: What it is, Benefits, & Types
Meditation is a practice involving mental and physical techniques to improve brain health and overall well-being. Though ancient, it’s common throughout the world.
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Sisters of Yoga
Eight ways to take yoga off of the mat and into your daily life.
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Sisters of Yoga
Eight ways to incorporate essential oils to heal the body.
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Digital Resource Hub
Our comprehensive resource page, where we prioritize accessibility and support for mental health, and substance use disorder.